Do these people (all politicians of all stripes) know when they start slogging through the muck they don't exactly come out spotless themselves? Always, always, always the purely personal insult and attack is a hallmark of extreme weakness on the part of the one doing it.
And if it is perceived that they speak on behalf of another candidate, even unofficially but simply perceived as being on "the other guy's side," they sure do leave an embarrassing stink in their wake that threatens to overwhelm their would-be leader's own message.
Today, Ms. Ferarro successfully weakened the Hillary Clinton campaign by standing up as a Hillary Clinton supporter to say she thinks Barak Obama is where he is because he's black. She thinks Barak Obama would not be running for President if he was a white guy.
And now Geraldine is parsing and re-parsing and re-shaping her remarks into a noble battle over freedom of speech. Geraldine, honey, certainly you have a right to hold any political view and share your opinions and especially to share your opinions about any politician.
The only people at this point who have a righteous motive for wanting to shut you up are the wise heads (if there are any) in the Hillary campaign.
Because, you see, just because you have the right to say something stupid doesn't always mean you should say it. Not if you care about the impression you make on behalf of the candidate you hope you are helping because remarks like that are like using a big fat crayon to draw a circle around your candidate and then a big fat arrow pointing to her with the caption, "This candidate is in trouble so let's try something desperate."
The more you throw the muck, the more you get on yourself and your candidate.
What you did was really, really dumb. Poor Hillary. With friends like you...
Labels: '08, Barak, Barak Obama, campaign, Ferraro, Geraldine, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, November, Obama, politics, presidential campaign