My Least Favorite Democrat

Dear Bill Clinton,
Yep, you are my least favorite Democrat. Where to begin explaining the why's and wherefores...
Oh, heck, why not just dive in and start with the very worst thing of all. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? Truth is, you weren't thinking. You were being stupid. It was dumb, Bill, to use the Oval Office. It was dumb to use a young woman barely into her twenties who had yet to mature out of how stupid twenty-something young women can be. But, at least she had an excuse.
You were the leader of the free world and you paired up with a not-very-wise young lady and CAN YOU SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THAT?
What was your excuse, Bill?
When you are the President of the United States, you forfeit your personal self and your personal needs to the job. You have to be more than just plain you.
Who were you being when you diddled with Monica, Bill? I'll tell you who you weren't being. You weren't being my President.
My President would never have been so stupid. That was the worst part, Bill. That the President could have been so damn dumb. That was the kind of smarts that was supposed to keep our country safe?
What happens if a President is as dumb as a box of rocks and our enemies know it? Oh, oops. Looks like we are currently in that situation with George II. Well, then, you see? It's sure not working out, this stupid President stuff.
Wagging your finger at the American people while playing word games with the truth was definitely not in the Smart Column.
And look where it got us. We had to have an impeachment over a frickin' blow job! If there had never been any sexual activity with the pretty Monica in the Oval Office, you never would have been nailed by the likes of aldulterers Henry Hyde and Bob Barr. What a travesty all of you made of the dignity of the President and of Congress. A pox on all your houses.
I don't respect what you did with other women, as well. Apparently, you don't respect us back very much, either. You use women. I don't respect how you've treated the two most important women in your life - Hillary and Chelsea. Oh sure, I know they've made their peace with the whole mess but I still don't respect you.
When I see you make public appearances now, I cringe. I know that everybody who's looking at you is thinking of That. You carry the sleaze factor around like a trailing fart. It's with you all the time.
You, Mr. Clinton, are my least favorite Democrat. And now you know why.
Happy Election Day, everyone.
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