Monday, November 19, 2007

Hate crimes rose 8 percent in 2006

Hate crimes rose 8 percent in 2006

Horrible headline, isn't it? Gee, I wonder why it is that the right-wing fanatics (so similiar to the Islamofacists) are so adamant there is no such thing as a hate-crime but if there was such a thing, white people would be the only victims and all peoples of color (but, especially Mexicans and blacks these days) would be the only perps?

Yes, I've seen it posted daily on the Bully Pulpit Forum at Delphi Forums and once, I actually posted a link to a news story about a horrific gang rape, where the victim was tortured and all manner of nasty indignities perpetrated against her and I noted at the end of my post, "Guess which race these 'subhumans' are?"

NOTE: "Subhuman" is white racist codespeak for a black person. So, if you use that word, you're tipping off your audience what color to expect.

They clicked the link to the story in gleeful anticipation of yet more "evidence" of the subhumaness of anybody not the same skin pigmentation as them, and they were ABSOLUTELY HOWLING WITH OUTRAGE when they discovered it was the victim who was black and the criminals who were white.

They whined over and over, "What's race got to do with it?" "It's the crime that matters, not the race," and so on.

My point exactly. I did thank them for expressing my view in such strong fashion. Now, about those articles they posted...

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