My Delphi Forums Sig File
Ha ha ha ha... the most fun I had was posting factual data on the rabid right-wing forum, "The Bully Pulpit," where they finally banned me for suggesting that people ought to follow the Golden Rule. I'd been discussing how the forum owner and her moderators permitted "pile-on thread hijacking" whenever anyone posited a middle-of-the-road or liberal or Democratic view of issues but the threads of the rabid ones were vigorously protected with constant "clean up" when the right-wing talking points were challenged.
I'd mentioned to one rabid right-winger that if he truly was the Christian he pretended to be then he believed in the Golden Rule. Makes sense, doesn't it? So... when he burst into threads with vicious personal attacks and insults and the aforementioned thread hijacking, he was proclaiming to all that was how he wished to be treated. It follows logically the concept of the Golden Rule, does it not?
So they banned me because the rabid dog whined that I'd made a terrorist threat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha... I love it. Only the brain dead would not see the humor here.
Anyway, this is the "sig file" that attaches to the bottom of all my postings in any forum at Delphi that permits sig files...

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Labels: American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitism, conservative, Delphi forums, free speech, Islam, Islamofacists, Israel, left-wing, liberal, right-wing, sig file
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