Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Waterboarding, U.S.A.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Destination Scandal from the Washington Post


From sexual peccadilloes to Cold War conspiracies, we bring you Washington's more entertaining, more human, more seamy side. We've also compiled the Post stories that covered -- and in many cases exposed -- the scandals. Our curious observation: almost every sex scandal results in a tell-all memoir. We'll give you the book titles for your next trip to the library.

The two tours that follow will take you to the list of homes, office buildings and offices that make up Washington's Worst Addresses. Locations marked with the Photobucket are within easy walking distance in downtown Washington, so you can take a short detour from your trip to the White House or the Smithsonian to check out some or all of these infamous sites. Or join local comedy group Gross National Product for the official Scandal Tours bus trip.


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Gifts for the Political Junkie

Friday, July 11, 2008

Can George Bush be charged with war crimes?

There is precedent for charging a sitting President of a sovereign nation with war crimes: SEE THIS STORY.

The latest findings by Congress in the build-up to the Iraq War proves beyond any doubt that the Bush Regime lied and bullied their way into collecting the false "intelligence" that supposedly justified invading a country that never committed any act of war against us (as scummy as their President was and make no mistake, Saddam and his spawn were scum).

Shouldn't that alone be a war crime? And what about the hired help over in Iraq, acting on behalf of Halliburton and other Bush-Cheney "protected" clients? Can their murders of innocent civilians be considered war crimes? And then there's that little thing called Abu Ghraib which destroyed America's internatonal honor and image.

Can there be an international tribunal of Bush and Cabal and the things they've done that are contrary to American law, our Constitution, our military code of conduct, the Geneva Convention and other treaties and international laws that may apply?

And where do our own soldiers go to sue for their destroyed lives and injuries for a war based on false pretenses? Who do they sue for being deliberately given spoiled food and tainted drinking water? That's right, it was Dick Cheney's company... Halliburton and yes, he still collects millions from them.

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