Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What's Karl Rove Been Smoking? Dude, you've gone totally batshit insane.

From Paul Abrams who reports on Rove's interview with Charlie Rose:
You are not going to believe this, well, actually you will... According to Karl Rove (on Charlie Rose), the Bush Administration did not want Congress to vote on the Iraq War resolution in the fall of 2002, because they thought it should not be done within the context of an election. Rove, you see, did not think the war vote should be "political".

Moreover, according to Rove, that "premature vote" led to many of the problems that cropped up in the Iraq War. Had Congress not pushed, he says, Bush could have spent more time assembling a coalition, and provided more time to the inspectors.

If you are like me, you have stopped reading/listening, and are rushing to get your anti-emetic.

It is worth remembering that the Senate in the fall of 2002 was controlled, barely, by Democrats. Get it? George Bush, we are being told, wanted to delay, wanted to hold back, wanted to take the time to build a coalition and let the inspectors finish their job, but that damn Congress just pushed him into it.

This is actually scary. The lunatics running the country apparently, really are lunatics. Abso-fucking-lutely delusional. And very, very scary. This is the insanity that's deciding our fates. All of us.

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