Thursday, December 27, 2007

PBS Frontline: Cheney's Law

Watch the documentary and afterwards decide for yourself if we in America still live in a "free country." When your country has been taken over by a cabal of powergrabbing greedy corrupt criminals and they seemingly are not answerable to the Constitution and the laws of this land, that they are in effect, a dictatorship, so how free can the country be?

It was Cheney's "energy advisors" and good buddies who had such a rip-roaring good time manufacturing an "energy crisis" in California that didn't have to happen but which "made the grannies cry" according to Cheney's energy advisors. The more grannies that cried, the richer they got.

Now Cheney wants to block our Republican Governor's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the state of California. Seems Cheney's energy advisors have struck again. Since when did the federal government have the authority to stop a State from trying to be more environment-friendly?

The crooks are so blatant, they don't give a shit what anyone thinks and they believe they will never be held to account. They don't even care if they've destroyed the Republican Party for a generation or more.

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