Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Has the CIA been spying on you?

Under the FOIA and/or the Privacy Act, you might be able to find out. If you are interested in requesting to see copies of what records the CIA may have on you, go to this webpage for some helpful hints on how to obtain that information.

The webpage also details what information may NOT be shared with you. Some of that is interesting and makes me wonder how the Bush bots in his administration squared what the law demands with their own actions. Oh, that's right. One of them ended up a convicted felon.

From the CIA:

Personal Information Which Must Be Denied by Law
Unless "officially" acknowledged by executive acknowledgment or official release, an intelligence organization like the CIA takes exemptions under the PA to protect sources and methods and national security information by neither confirming nor denying the existence of those records and denying records on, but not limited to, the following:

Privacy information on other US citizens unless granted permission by the individual or can prove person is deceased.

CIA operational activities.

Specific confidential or covert relationships.
So let's see, that means our law-abiding President and his bots showed the media, especially the ratfink traitorous Bob Novak who obviously did an America-hating act by publishing Valerie Plame's name and identifying her as a CIA operative, proof that she'd granted permission for her name to be used in that way or proof that she was deceased... according to the law, the Bushbots - namely Cheney, Rove and Libby - absolutely would have had to have done that. Oh, that's right. One of them is a convicted felon.

And, of course, no one EVER told the media anything at all about any CIA operations, such as, how did Robert Wilson get sent to Niger.

And all persons in the CIA or elsewhere who ever worked with Valerie Plame were all deceased at the time she was outted so none of them could be harmed after she was outted.

Aw, shucks, I just can't quite twist myself into the Republican pretzel.

Well, maybe such aggregious crimes against the American people and Ms. Plame will eventually be resolved to the satisfaction of the American people. Maybe.

Anyway, thought you might like to look up anything the CIA snooped out on you.

I wonder if they know I once sneaked a look at my Dad's Playboy magazine when I was a little girl?

Again, here's the webpage to those helpful hints on getting that information.

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