Saturday, January 05, 2008

O'Reilly Bashes (Yes, Physically) an Obama Staffer

Fox's O'Reilly gets pushy at Obama event

The above linked story goes into detail of how O'Reilly, the Faux News blowhard, showed up at a Barak Obama event and muscled his way around the Secret Service security barricade to get at Senator Obama and when he was stopped by one of the Senator's staffers, he physically assaulted the staffer.

O'Reilly is damn lucky he didn't get wrestled to the ground or pepper-sprayed or handcuffed. What an ass.

From the article:
..."Then he grabbed me with both of his arms and tried to push me out of the way," Nicholson said after the campaign agreed to make him available to reporters.

...The scene was hard to miss. O'Reilly is about 6-feet-5-inches tall. Nicholson is 6-feet-8-inches tall.

"I told him, 'Sir, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't shove me anymore.'
"He called me 'low class.' He was pretty upset."

Secret Service agents assigned to protect Obama ordered O'Reilly back behind the barricade.

..."I've never seen a member of the press lay hands on a staffer before," he said.

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