I was discussing on political messageboards this lame-o attempt at smearboating Barak Obama a very, very long time ago. I thought this had been thoroughly debunked... a very, very long time ago.
Apparently not. Perhaps the smear is being resurrected in time for that superbad Tuesday primary.
The problem for Mr. Obama's campaign is this go-round is not being openly touted as the rabid extreme right-wing cause du jour but instead is snaking its way through "decent Christian America" -- by email and through prayer forums and at church meetings.
The underlying message is that if you are a Christian, you must do your Christian duty to turn back the Moslem hordes from taking over our Christian nation's halls of leadership. And that means voting against Barak Obama.
As we saw with the Smearboat liars vs. John Kerry, even if you go to the source and discover the actual truth, if it does not suit your agenda, a lie may be substituted in place of reality. I don't think I probably would have voted for Kerry, anyway (yes, he does look like Herman Munster but that's not why I wouldn't have voted for him). But, the lies and disgraceful way the Smearboat liars attacked the patriotism and sacrifices made of all who were actually on those boats with Kerry was one of the most "bottom-feeding moments" in American politics.
Until now.
Now the same old long-stale debunked bullsh*t about Barak Obama having attended a madrassah school and being a secret Moslem and part of a wahhabist Moslem conspiracy to take over America is raising a fresh stench among apparently unsuspecting victims.
They are unsuspecting because it is being fed to them through genuinely decent channels. Why would they NOT trust it?
And that's what should have Barak Obama and his campaign people worried. These are the decent family-values folks now who are being thinned out of the Obama ranks because they are being fed this diet of lies from sources they trust.
And how do I know about this quiet resurrection of the same old lies? Because one of my dearest friends, as honest and true as a human can be, forwarded the old fake email from the fake Yalie telling the same old fake crap that was exposed as lies so very long ago.
She is "concerned." And she is decent. She is NOT a liar and not one to engage in smearing innocent people. And she forwarded that email to me.
Like me, she is also disgusted with the Washington "establishment." And we were both despairing, hoping that somebody decent would show up in the political game who would represent our basic values. I believe, so far, Barak Obama is the closest match and I am an Independent and quite party-neutral.
My friend has now crossed Barak Obama off her list. And she's not a stupid person.
How many more will fall victim to the lies and will America endure even more years of nightmare because of a smear?
How do you put a lie to rest? The answer is, you can't. You can confront it, however. You must confront it. At every opportunity.
If you see a lie headed your way, don't be complacent. Confront. Confront. Confront. What America is going to be for future generations must be protected from the liars.
You're the soldiers, America. Fight the lies.
I won't reprint my friend's email because that would be a violation of her privacy, but
you can read the lying lies put forth by the non-existent Yale staffer here (source: The Yale Daily News - apparently, they do not appreciate someone pretending to represent any official position from Yale in order to spread the cow manure). Do note their link to
the Snopes.com page debunking the fake missive.
I urge you to also have a look here at
one blogger's response to this same smear.
Labels: Barak Obama, lies, Republican lies, Shay, swiftboat, Yale