"Voter caging,"
according to the Brennan Center for Justice,
"is the practice of sending mail to addresses on the voter rolls, compiling a list of the mail that is returned undelivered, and using that list to purge or challenge voters’ registrations on the grounds that the voters on the list do not legally reside at their registered addresses."The problem with all of the above is that voter caging is so extremely unreliable as an indicator of the legitimacy of a voter's right to vote that its use has been eradicated. Except by the Republicans.
And do you know why voter caging is near and dear to Republican hearts? Because they ONLY target minorities or any voting constituency they perceive as being likely to vote Democratic.
And THAT'S against the law. Republican abuse of voter caging was so extreme, the Grand Old Party was forced by federal court to sign a consent decree never to do it again.
They lied. That, and denying Americans the right to vote is a crime. But, it gets worse. Now, the Republicans are BRAGGING about it.
From "
Crooks and Liars" and "
Blue Tide Rising" we learn that the head of the Republican Party for the State of Kansas sent out an email bragging of the following,
"To date, the Kansas GOP has identified and caged more voters in the last 11 months than the previous two years!”Slate.com also has a write-up on the Republican Party's attempt through voter caging to subvert yet another American election.
If you are curious about the Republican chairman whose big mouth has put the spotlight square on Republican efforts to steal America away from Americans, his name is Kris Kobach and you can learn more about him
here and
here. America may actually owe this bigmouth a huge debt of gratitude for being the practical whistleblower that he's turned out to be.
Here's yet another instance of Karl Rove and his bot interfering with the 2004 election. It begins:
"For years, Tim Griffin, the former aide to Karl Rove who’s been at the center of the U.S. attorney controversy, has been dogged by allegations that he was a part of a 2004 scheme to block African-Americans in Florida from voting."This article poses the very believable scenario that Tim Griffin, Karl Rove protege and champion vote-supressor, was persuaded to withdraw his name from Senate consideration to be permanently appointed as a United States attorney purely to avoid having to answer questions under oath about his illegal voter-suppression activities.
Then there's
this article about Mr. Griffin's illegal activities on behalf of his master, Karl Rove.
here's another report on how the Republicans are focusing on disenfranchising minority voters in Ohio and Florida for the 2008 election.
The PBS program, "Voter Caging & Housing Works" attempts to answer the following:
"Was there a White House plot to illegally suppress votes in 2004? Is there a similar plan for the upcoming elections? This week NOW examines documents and evidence that points to a Republican Party plan designed to keep Democrats from voting, allegedly by targeting people based on their race and ethnicity with key battleground states like Ohio and Florida of particular interest." Here is their video (in addition to the linked article).
The PBS program makes reference to David Iglesias, one of the fired U.S. Attorneys, who was ordered to go out "fishing" for likely targets for voter caging and when all his investigating failed to turn up enough dirt, he was fired.
Here is that interview with David Iglesias.
E-mails between National Republican Party headquarters and Ohio State Republican Party officials about plans to challenge voters in Ohio [pdf]
List of people in the Cleveland, Ohio area who the Republicans planned to stop on Election Day, 2004 [pdf]
Guidebook for Republicans interested in becoming poll monitors[pdf]
"Truth About Voter Fraud"BBC:
"New Florida vote scandal feared" by Greg Palast"In 2004, BBC reporter Greg Palast obtained two e-mails -- prepared for the executive director of the Bush campaign in Florida and the campaign's national research director -- that listed '1,886 names and addresses of voters in predominantly black and traditionally Democrat areas' of the Jacksonville, FL Naval Air Station. Palast explains: "Here's how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, 'Do not forward', to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as 'undeliverable.'"
Here's one of those anti-American traitors...
Please, don't let them steal America again. This country belongs to the people!!! And 70% of us want the current crooked regime OUT OF THERE ALREADY!!!!
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Labels: criminal, elections, illegal, Republican, Republican corruption, Republican lies, voter caging, voter fraud